Shaphan Yong Chia (PhD)

Insect-based Nutrition and Ecological Sustainability

Curriculum vitae

Insects for Food, Feed and Other Uses Programme (INSEFF) - Environmental Health Theme,

International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), Nairobi, Kenya


Academic Writing and Editing

  • Editing and Proofreading Made Simple, LinkedIn Learning - 2022
  • Reviewing a Scientific Paper - Wageningen Graduate Schools, Wageningen University – 2018
  •  Scientific Writing and Publishing, International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology – 2017

Data Science

  • Principles of Biostatistical Reasoning: A Practical Introduction to Statistical Methods in Biological Research - International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology – 2016
  • Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for Graduates, Leonfield Company Limited, Accra, Ghana – 2014
  • Introduction to  Python  - (in progress)


  • Communication with the Media & the General Public, Wageningen Graduate Schools, Wageningen University – 2018 
  • Interpersonal Communication for PhD students, Wageningen Graduate Schools, Wageningen University – 2018
  • Critical Thinking & Argumentation, Wageningen Graduate Schools, Wageningen University – 2018
  •  Website Design, Information & Communication Technology, West Africa Information & Communication Technology Foundation, Accra, Ghana - 2015

Project Management

  • Project Management, Institute of Project and Business Management (IPBM), Accra, Ghana - 2013 

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