Shaphan Yong Chia (PhD)

Insect-based Nutrition and Ecological Sustainability

Curriculum vitae

Insects for Food, Feed and Other Uses Programme (INSEFF) - Environmental Health Theme,

International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), Nairobi, Kenya


Africa Talent Programme 

Funding: Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands.                                                          Period:  2020 - present
Project no.: 318.401.9043

Enhancing circular agriculture: insects to connect sustainable livestock and crop production

Funding: NWO-WOTRO lmpact and lnnovation Grants (l&lG) 
Period: 2021 - present
Project no.: 481.20.122

See project summary

ILIPA-Improving Livelihood by Increasing Livestock Production in Africa 

Funding: This Project was funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)
Period: 2016 - 2019
Project no.: W 08.250.202

See project results

See overview of final research findings.

Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Scholarship 

I benefited from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)  scholarship for my Masters degree programme
Period: 2013 - 2015
August 2013 – July 2014 (Master/1st Year) - Individual Code Number: A/13/94249  August 2014 – July 2015 (Master/2nd Year) - Individual Code Number: 91560045 

Conference Subsidy 

Funds from the  UYTTENBOOGAART-ELIASEN  STICHTING:  Support  for  Entomological Research in the Netherlands supported my participation at the  2nd International Conference  "Insects to Feed the World (IFW)", Wuhan, China, May 15 – 18,  2018.
Subsidy no.:
CONG.2017.12.03 (UES)

See list of grants awarded for conferences - IFW 2018


Python for data analysis


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